This is why Feel 24 keeps opening collar-free gyms
In Norway's ever-evolving fitness landscape, one name stands out: Feel 24. This northern Norwegian gym chain is making waves with its rapid expansion and innovative approach to fitness.
Currently with 73 clubs across the country and growing, Feel 24 has distinguished itself since its inception with its commitment to making a healthy lifestyle and exercise more accessible to the public. This goes hand in hand with going collar-free, creating tidier spaces and using equipment that makes it easier for members to exercise, which is why they've decided to purchase Gungnir bars from 2020 and make their gyms entirely collar-free from 2022.

They are far from finished expanding, starting in the far north of Norway and now extending all the way to Oslo, making their presence known all over the country. And who knows where they will go next?
Wherever they go, we are proud to be part of their journey and help them realise their vision of making a healthy lifestyle more accessible to everyone.